ClubSwan36: Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication

club swan 36

ClubSwan36: Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication

Everybody was expecting a complicated boat because all racing boats tend to be quite complicated but ClubSwan 36 is very sailor friendly.

club swan 36

In the series of stories about ClubSwan 36 and ACI Sail, we would like to inspire you to expand your comfort zones and become a sailor. We will share our experiences with ClubSwan 36 and give you some useful tips and tricks about this radical new one-design boat.

In the first part of the blog we talked about our experiences with ClubSwan 36 in offshore sailing and for the second part, we will tell you something about controls and innovations.

Everybody was expecting a complicated boat because all racing boats tend to be quite complicated with a lot of controls and ropes. But when you are looking at the controls over the boat and systems of ropes, sheets, winches, and pulleys everything is so simple, clean, and sailor friendly. I love Finnish simplicity. On ClubSwan 36, everything is actually on the deck. All control lines are just covered with cockpit cover and bow cover that allows us to keep everything dry. Everything is easy to inspect, easy to check, and to change if something needs to be changed. Clean and simple’, ACI Sail project Ivan Kljaković Gašpić pointed out.

The new ClubSwan 36 is an innovative high-performance yacht with a unique C-foil.

club swan 36

“Like all magnificent things, it’s very simple. You have just a couple of ropes that are going through a system of pulleys and the port and starboard rope and you just pull whichever side you want. It’s quite easy to trim and quite easy to understand the position. You just mark yourself on the rope you have marks and with these marks, you are fully in control of trimming position. Looking at other systems on the boat just to mention that there is no single rope thicker than 10mm. That is quite amazing. As great Leonardo da Vinci said: Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication and this boat pushing the boundaries, and yet stays uncomplicated. The ClubSwan 36 allows an amateur sailor to reach extreme performances and that is a quite astonishing experience”, Ivan said.

ACI today owns the largest fleet of these beauties in the world and in collaboration with Nautor’s Swan, we have created the first worldwide ACI Sail Club Swan 36 training center.

Check out our ACI Sail 2021 activity calendar and join in sailing adventures.

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