4 things that will astonish you about ClubSwan 36

aci sail

4 things that will astonish you about ClubSwan 36

ClubSwan 36, a true sailing innovation in 2020 that hasn’t left anyone without an impression.  As owners of the largest fleet of this racer recognized with innovation award of European yacht of the year 2020, our team has the biggest experience sailing this beauty. These are the five things that most impressed us.

club swan 36

Boat control and precision at medium to strong breeze

No matter at which angle the boat is sailed, control is always there. The rudder is perfectly balanced, control of the mainsail with a big roach is perfect with the ability to twist and depower when needed. Tight reaching with jib and main, the boat speed is almost matching TWS, and reaching with the kite is at similar numbers. As the wind increases over 22-25 kts, using smaller kite A5, and if necessary first reef, gets less drag and speed is constantly topping 20 knots with full control at all times. The helmsman can push the boat as much as wants without broach while having a big grin on his face.

club swan 36 racing regatta sailboat

The double-handed potential of ClubSwan 36 

Designed for inshore one-design racing, CS36 is a great weapon at doublehanded racing offshore. Full control, ease of use, loads of stability, and really fast sailing are the first impressions. In all sorts of conditions, with a standard one-design sails package plus furling J0 and furling Code 0, CS36 is a weapon. All maneuvers are easy simply because the boat is really fast so all goes smooth. Paying a bit more attention to runners in windy conditions downwind and the rest comes smooth and simple.

Surfing pleasure

The downwind motion of CS36 is so smooth and as the wind increases over 10 kts TWS boat just keeps accelerating. The helmsman is encouraged to push the boat hard over the waves and surf down the line. Something amazing and rewarding for every passionate sailor. Crew sitting all the way back, bow out, and blasting down the line. Truly sensational!

club swan 36

Lifting sensation of C foil in upwind and reaching modes especially at mixed fleet racing

While sailing upwind in more than 12 kts TWS, C-foil starts to play a big role in the gain of VMG. Compared to other traditional boats, it is noticeable that performances are greater than much bigger boats, and CS36 can easily match 45ft boats or even bigger. When reaching, in boat speed up to 20 knots, the lift is so significant that normally helmsman has to steer 3-5 degrees lower than normal to get to the mark. And this later translates to even more speed! Amazing feeling for a normal sailing boat.

Experience sailing ClubSwan 36, check out our ACI Sail 2021 activity calendar, and contact us. 

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